Update your Marketing this Winter

It's almost sales season, which means that your company may be revisiting its marketing images and ad campaigns for the coming year. Many businesses use this slower time of year to freshen up the images on their website, create new blog posts, and generally prepare to sell in the early part of the year. This is the perfect opportunity for your business to make steps towards inclusivity. 

There are a few major corporations which have stood out boldly in the past few weeks with ads that have included gay and lesbian couples. Take a look at some of the ads below by fearless companies such as Hershey, Hallmark, Nordstrom, Sprint and Zales Jewelers and decide if this approach is something that you are ready to take in your own business. 

If you don't have images yet of same-sex couples, consider some of the stock photography images we have for sale right here on the site. If you do have images of same-sex couples already, be proud to include them in your portfolio. The right couples will come to you if you're not afraid to be bold.