““I just wanted to share with you that I booked my first gay wedding yesterday. I am a bit giddy and excited about it....It’s a 3 day event with 200 guests. The information you shared/taught in the course absolutely helped me to book this wedding. Thank you so much!” ”
LGBT+ Wedding Certificate Program
The Equality Institute LGBT+ Wedding Certificate Program will inspire you, energize you and attract loyal customers and raving fans. Master the skills and strategies to reach the loyal same-sex wedding market. Over 2000 people have completed this program, representing 26 countries around the world. Together, we are making for a more equal world.
When you complete this training, you'll receive:
LGBTQ wedding data, trends, traditions and more
best practices in sales and marketing
cutting edge information on laws and policies
a badge for your website
a certificate of completion
a Kindle version of our book The Business of Gay Weddings
A one year listings on CatalystWedCo.com and a 6 month listing on LGBTWeddings.com ($400 total value)
your name listed on this website.
This program is worth seven contact hours toward the initial certification or recertification application for the CPCE designation. The CPCE is offered by the National Association for Catering and Events.
The program is offered as an online self-guided course, a 5 part webinar series in Spanish, and as a one day live course. The live course is taught in English and Spanish.
Email us directly if you'd like to schedule a live (in person) course or bring the Equality Institute LGBT+ Wedding Certificate Program to your business.
Note: we are not a university and this is not an accredited program